BagServant Wins #WOW Award

BagServant is delighted to announce that this week we have won the Jacqueline Gold award!

What is the WOW award?

Jacqueline Gold is the super successful Chief Executive, entrepreneur and businesswoman behind Ann Summers and Knickerbox brands and every Wednesday she announces the winner of the WOW award on Twitter. The WOW award is awarded to business women that Jacqueline feels have gone that extra mile and stood out from other similar businesses. The award was created so that Jacqueline could use her reach and influence to promote and champion other women in business. By being selected your business receives a personal seal of approval from Jacqueline that says ‘I think you have what it takes to succeed‘.

The award is a real honour for BagServant and we are delighted that Jacqueline thinks we have what it takes to make it big! Here’s to a future of businesswomen!




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