V°73 are known and loved for their quirky designer handbags which bring edge and fashion to any outfit that they are put with. The K-Flapper bag from V°73 is one of those bags which will add something amazing to the plainest of outfits. When going shopping you just throw on a plain white t-shirt and a simple well fitting pair of jeans but for most people this is not enough. You need something to just add that stylish and designer look to your outfit. This is where the V°73 K-Flapper Bag comes in! It is a tote with a spin! The tassels that hang from the tote put the bag into a whole new world of quirky fabulous totes where they are still wearable with anything yet shine with jazz and creativity!
The V°73 K-Flapper tote gets noticed, it is not just a bag that people look at and think it is just another bag. It is a bag that people stop and stare at and think to themselves “I love that bag, it is so different.” The K-Flapper is also available in a clutch bag which makes for a great addition to an evening outfit!
These are the gorgeous V°73 K-Flapper Bags that are causing a stir at BagServant HQ!