It’s easy to find handbags from the big-name, classic designers and topselling brands, but of course everyone else has them too. Many of us are looking for something a little bit different, unique even, to stand out from the crowd and show off our fashion credentials and impeccable taste.
So, where do you go to spot the next big thing? How can you tell which designers are just a one-hit wonder, and which will pass the test of time? How can you identify designers who will help you to make a favourable impression, and bags which are a good investment?
BagServant comes to the rescue, and we’ve done all the legwork for you by highlighting our pick of the emerging designers in the bag world. With help from our sister company, Sale Servant, we’ve selected some up and coming designers we think are the ones to buy now. These are our bets for the best bags to be seen with: Hemsley London, Anya Sushko, Robertson Jessel, Isla Rule, Marjorie Renner, Jane Goodchild, Mel Boteri, Maria Lamanna, Jaunt Accessories, Bizi Buenos Aires, Joanna Maxham, and V73.
Between them, these emerging bag designers offer a range of styles from fun and quirky through to elegant, trendy to classic. There’s something to suit every budget too, with prices from under £30 to over £1500. Remember, you saw them here first!
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