Unlike light, flimsy summer bags, it takes time to decide on the ideal winter handbag. Not only does it need to be bigger than your summer bag to fit in spare shoes, an umbrella and all sorts of extra layers for when the temperatures drop, it should also be waterproof and a bolder, more autumnal […]
Umbrellas are up, flip flops are sodden and it is only mid August. Unfortunately, the British summer already looks like it’s drawing to a close. But what better way to cheer yourself up then to invest in the ultimate winter handbag in preparation for the cold months ahead. You’ll need something sturdy, waterproof, roomy and […]
Black, grey, brown and navy are all popular choices for handbags but with the colder weather almost upon us, we need something to add a splash of colour to our dull office suits. Don’t be shy embrace the orange trend with these fabulous bright bags – go on be brave.
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